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tornjak from Betfair

Welcome to Tornjak!

Tornjak is a monitoring framework, originally developed by Betfair supporting derivation and exposure of both performance and health monitoring, typically for use within back-end services.

It is released under the Apache Software Licence v2.

Using Tornjak

If you’re new to Tornjak we suggest checking out the following 2 guides:

Alternatively, checkout our documentation hub for other guides and references.


Tornjak has only recently been made an open source project after 5 years as a closed source project. Source code is available on GitHub, click here or checkout the “Fork Me” banner.

Whilst we’re cleaning up Tornjak (mostly in the documentation space), plus adding features we think are needed, Tornjak is available as a SNAPSHOT release (3.0-SNAPSHOT to be precise) in the Sonatype OSS Repository:

<repository> <id>sonatype-nexus-snapshots</id> <name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name> <url></url> <releases> <enabled>false</enabled> </releases> <snapshots> <enabled>true</enabled> </snapshots> </repository>